Information about getting to the festival and the procession route.

Coming by Train & Tube
From any of the main London railway stations come on the Piccadilly Line and get off at Hyde Park Corner. When you come out of the tube station head for the south-east corner of the Park. The Rathayatra assembles near there so look out for the tall brightly coloured canopies of the Rath Carts.
National Rail Enquiries for rail information.
Coming by Road
Parking on Sunday is OK on single yellow lines in Westminster or you can stay safe with the NCP car parks. There is one just north of Trafalgar Square. Please remember there is no parking at the assembly point in Hyde Park nor any at Trafalgar Square.
The AA main routes and parking information. The procession assembles just inside Hyde Park -500 yards west of Hyde Park Corner. You will clearly spot the three colourful carts as you approach. There are three or four kirtan (singing and instrument) sections, each with dancers. You can pull the ropes on the cart (which bestows liberation) but please follow the instructions of stewards and staff. The cart leaves Hyde Park promptly at mid-day and arrives at Trafalgar Square around 2.30pm. This can feel like a long journey on a hot day and a OAP van is provided at the rear of the procession for the infirm. Bring a bottle of water to refresh yourself along the way.